Barenjager Honors Top Beardsmen

Bärenjäger Honey Liqueur was an official sponsor of the 2014 Just for Men World Beard and Moustache Championships held in Portland, Oregon on Oct. 25. Held at Keller Auditorium in downtown Portland, hundreds of the world’s best beardsmen competed in front of a panel of distinguished judges charged with the responsibility of choosing the best of the best in the most entertaining and creative competition to hit the Northwest.

Contestants competed for the gold in one of 18 different categories ranging from delicate Dali moustaches to gravity-defying Full Beard Freestyles and medal-worthy Mutton Chops. This competition represented a full spectrum of beard and mustache art.

Made in Germany, Bärenjäger is the original honey liqueur for original people, making it an ideal fit for this unique competition where thousands of beard enthusiasts had the opportunity to taste the subtly sweet, spicy and herb edged product.


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