Sky Ranch Foundation Awards Grants to Support At-risk Youths

Sky Ranch Foundation and Sky Ranch for Boys recently awarded a $25,000 grant to support Pacific Lodge Youth Services, and another $40,000 to Boys’ and Girls’ Towns of Italy. Both organizations share Sky Ranch Foundation’s objective to help at-risk youths.

Since 1923, Pacific Lodge Youth Services has worked to create a supportive and therapeutic residential environment for boys ages 13-18 in the juvenile justice system, who are experiencing psychological, emotional or behavioral problems.

With over 68 years of supporting at-risk young people, Boys’ and Girls’ Towns of Italy help troubled youth acquire formal education and vocational training, fulfilling skills necessary to integrate into society.

Sky Ranch Foundation awarded a total of $192,500 in grants in 2014. Recipients also included Red Hook Initiative ($25,000), Sky Ranch Behavioral Services ($27,500), SOS Childrens’ Villages ($40,000), Voices For Children of North Central Florida, Inc ($40,000) and Wounded Warrior Family Support ($20,000).

Since 2011, the foundation has awarded $922,394 in grants that support at-risk youths.

Formed in 1961, the foundation is a tax-exempt charitable organization governed by a board of directors comprised mainly of active and retired members of the beverage alcohol industry. The foundation’s funds have come largely from individuals and companies associated with the beer, wine and spirits industries, and reflects those industries’ concern and commitment for at-risk youth.


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