NABCA’s 79th Annual Conference Focuses on Collaboration

During NABCA’s 79th Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida, May 20-22, business sessions, seminars, and workshops will provide tools and techniques that concentrate on the theme “Collaboration Creates Opportunity.”

“I strongly believe that, if we engage in respectful collaboration and communication, we have the opportunity to resolve many of our issues regardless of their degree of difficulty,” says NABCA Board Chairman Stephen Larson, in a press release. “This requires understanding and respect for each and every perspective,” he said.

During the conference, session and seminar subjects will include ethics, winning at warehousing, a look at small and big suppliers existing in a global marketplace and an examination of the US alcohol regulatory model.

Additionally, Emmy Award-winning journalist and author Bob Schieffer will be one of two keynote speakers. With his 58 years as a reporter and being one of the few journalists to have covered the White House, the Pentagon, the State Department and Capitol Hill, he will address “Politics and Getting Things Done.”

Mike Abrashoff, the youngest commanding officer in the Pacific Fleet will talk about management principles and leadership in a presentation titled “Getting Your Ship Together.”

“For 79 years NABCA has facilitated discussions about changes in business practices, updates on new technologies and opportunities to collaborate and share experiences with each other,” SAYS Jim Sgueo, NABCA president and CEO, in a press release. “This year we will continue to spark communication over developments affecting the regulatory and operational areas.”

For more information about the 2016 Annual Conference or NABCA, visit


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