Powdered Alcohol Now Banned In 31 States

Fears over the negative consequences of powdered alcohol have led to 31 U.S. states banning the product.

So reports Alcohol Justice, an industry watchdog, who in a press release also points out that California may soon become the 32nd state to bar powdered alcohol. California state legislators are considering two bills to that affect, with 113 out of 120 voting in favor of the ban.

Last March, Alcohol Justice requested emergency legislative action nationwide in response to news that the U.S. Alcohol & Tobacco Tax & Trade Bureau (TTB) had approved labels for the powdered alcohol product, Palcohol. The TTB approval gave a green light for the tax rates and labels, allowing states to allow the product, regulate or ban.

Since then, new laws have been passed in 31 states to prohibit the possession, purchase, sale, offer for sale, distribution, manufacture, or use of powdered alcohol. Most states make the violation of these provisions punishable with fines. There are ten states that have legislation in the pipeline to ban the products. There are only three states that allow sales.

67860b10184a19e80de2a3a7823b2deeAlcohol Justice fears the product will appeal to children, the group says, while California politicians worry about its powerful effect.

“Powdered alcohol is a dangerous product that has been designed and marketed as a way to make super-charged cocktails on the go,” said California Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin (D-Thousand Oaks). “Binge drinking and alcohol related deaths are already a huge problem in California and adding powdered alcohol to the mix is a recipe for disaster.”

“Powdered Alcohol has a high potential to attract youth with its convenience, fruity flavors and portability,” stated Dr. Jim Kooler, spokesperson for California Alcohol Policy Alliance (CAPA), and Administrator of the California Friday Night Live Partnership and the California Center for Youth Development and Health Promotion. “Young people who begin drinking before age 15 are four times more likely to develop alcohol dependence and are two and half times more likely to become abusers of alcohol than those who being drinking at age 21.”

Palcohol founder Mark Phillips has stated that the idea for the product came while he was hiking and camping, and wanted to enjoy alcohol without lugging around bulky, heavy bottles.


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