Control States

VABC Partners with Miss Virginia on Student Education

Beginning this fall, Miss Virginia Emili McPhail will share the importance of making healthy choices with students in Virginia elementary schools as part of a Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority (ABC) educational program. Virginia ABC...

VABC Announces 20th Year of Record Sales

The Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Authority announced its 20th consecutive record-breaking year, with fiscal year 2018 gross sales topping $984.8 million, up $43.6 million over the previous year. During the same timeframe, retail...

September is Virginia Spirits Month

Governor Ralph Northam declared September as Virginia Spirits Month, marking the third annual celebration designed to educate consumers and travelers about Virginia distilled spirits. “Virginia is the birthplace of American spirits, and our 70 licensed...

Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division seeks partner in governing promotional discount offers

The Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division (ABD), in partnership with the Iowa Department of Administrative Services, has released a Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit competitive proposals from eligible vendors capable of providing a promotional...

Live from the NABCA Convention

The theme of this year’s NABCA Annual Convention, held at the Arizona Biltmore in Phoenix, was “Building Bridges.” Appropriately chosen by NABCA Chairman and Michigan LCC Commissioner Andy Deloney (hailing from a state with...

Protecting and Serving

Public safety is paramount for any alcohol regulatory organization, including Montana. The state’s ABC Division administers 97 agency liquor stores, operates a warehouse that distributes alcohol throughout the state and oversees licensing for on-premise...

VABC Accepting Grant Applications for the Coming Year

In an effort to reduce underage and high-risk drinking, the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority (ABC) is now accepting grant applications for the agency’s 2018-2019 Alcohol Education and Prevention Grant program. This is the fifth...

Jeff Painter Assumes Role of NABCA Chairman

Jeffrey L. Painter, chairman of the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority (Virginia ABC), assumed the role of Chairman of the NABCA Board during the May Annual Conference in Phoenix, AZ. Mr. Painter succeeds Andrew J. Deloney,...

The Advisory Committee Weighs In

What does the future hold for the control states? And what developments shaped the past year? For insight into these questions, StateWays once again turns to industry executives. Throughout the year, the National Alcohol Beverage...

Here Comes Cannabis

The movement to legalize cannabis continues to gather steam throughout America. Four more states, plus the District of Columbia, approved recreational pot by way of voter referendum in 2017. These gains increased the number of...

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