The Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) is now accepting applications for its 2016-2017 Education and Prevention Grant awards.
“We are looking to partner and collaborate with those who share in promoting our message of safety and responsibility,” said Katie Weaks, ABC education and prevention manager, in a press release. “In this third year of the grant program, we look forward to continuing to build and expand alcohol prevention initiatives that serve to raise awareness and help save lives in communities throughout Virginia.”
Applicants are asked to propose innovative prevention programs that encourage partnership between organizations and address one or more of the following issues: underage drinking; social providing; and high- risk drinking.
Some of the projects that resulted from ABC’s Education and Prevention Grant funding last year include the staging of “The Ice Cream Man,” a play presented to 3,000 teens, parents and community members by Roanoke Children’s Theatre, Inc. with a message of decreasing underage drinking and substance abuse; an expanded Latino Coalition focusing on substance abuse prevention within the Latino population by Chesterfield Substance Abuse Free Environment, Inc. (SAFE); and a university-wide research initiative focused on understanding factors that contribute to risky alcohol use at Virginia Commonwealth University.
Grant awards will be limited to a maximum of $8,000 per recipient.
Community coalitions, law enforcement agencies, nonprofits, schools, faith-based organizations and prevention groups are encouraged to apply.
he grant cycle will run from July 2016 through June 2017. Each organization will have the full year to implement its proposed program.
Applications are available on the Virginia ABC website and are due by Monday, April 25, at 5 p.m. Late applications will not be accepted.
For more information contact ABC’s Education & Prevention Section at (804) 977-7440 or visit
Last year, Virginia ABC received 22 Education and Prevention Grant program applications and awarded grants to 14 recipients including: Blue Ridge Community College; Campbell County Youth Advisory Council;