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Wine Reviews: Our Favorites From the Southern Hemisphere

For the latest round of wine reviews issue, we asked members of the StateWays Wine Panel to recommend their favorite Southern Hemisphere pours. As always, these selections include brief tasting notes, a rating and the wine’s...

Our Favorite American Wines for 2021

For our latest wine reviews of 2021, we asked our panel of wine professionals to taste and rate wines from around the United States. This includes states cultivating grapes from coast to coast. As always,...
Domaine Bousquet

Domaine Bousquet Shows Off New Wine Labels

Domaine Bousquet, a leading Argentinian producer of organic wines, has spruced up its bubbly packaging and listed their certifications on the back labels. All four wines are certified vegan (Veg Argentina), sustainable (Bodegas de Argentina),...

Chateau Ste. Michelle Unveils New Wine Labels

Chateau Ste. Michelle has unveied a refreshed look on its wine labels. The label redesign adds color and a contemporary twist while drawing attention to the winery’s iconic chateau, the company says. Chateau Ste. Michelle has partnered...

Reviews: Our Favorite Sparkling Wines for 2021

For our latest wine panel of 2021, we asked panelists to taste and rate sparkling wines. Fall season is the time that beverage alcohol retailers start submitting their bubbly orders ahead of the holiday push. As...

New to Wine? Study France First!

It is almost impossible to make sense of the modern wine world without grasping the influential role played by France. The French may not have been the first to make wine, and may no longer...

Our Favorite Wines We Drank in 2021

For our final wine panel of 2021, we asked our panelists to recall and rate their favorite wines that they drank during the past year. Holiday season is a time of celebration, so this...

How to Make Sense of Wine Language

To enjoy a glass of wine requires no training, but to communicate about it effectively, we need the right words. Most of wine’s sensory qualities are in the dimensions of how it tastes, smells and...

Interview: What is Sustainably Grown California Wine?

The Certified California Sustainable Winegrowing (CCSW) certification is among the top accreditations for sustainably produced wine in the country. Introduced in 2010, the CCSW is administered by the California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance (CSWA), a nonprofit leader...

Podcast: What is Sustainable Wine?

What’s the difference between organic and sustainable wine? If you don’t know the answer, then you must listen to our latest podcast with Allison Jordan, Executive Director of the California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance. Jordan explains the...

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