
Booker’s Bourbon Oven Buster Batch

Booker's Bourbon, available uncut and unfiltered, has announced the release of the fourth batch in its 2015 collection: Batch 2015-04, also referred to as the "Oven Buster Batch." This latest expression was hand-selected during an exclusive...

Orphan Barrel Rhetoric 21-Year-Old

The Orphan Barrel Whiskey Distilling Company has released Rhetoric 21-Year-Old Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey. An experiment in maturation, Rhetoric is re-released annually to explore the flavor characteristics imparted by each additional year the bourbon spends...

Hudson Whiskey 750-ml Baby Bourbon, Manhattan Rye

To commemorate its tenth anniversary, Hudson Whiskey will release its Baby Bourbon and Manhattan Rye whiskey varietals in 750-ml bottles for the first time. The larger size bottle is a testament to the consumer demand for Hudson Whiskey, the company...

Maker’s Mark Cask Strength Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey

Maker’s Mark Cask Strength is Maker’s Mark Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey straight from the barrel – uncut and unaltered. With a proof of approximately 110-115, the bourbon has even more front-of-the-palate flavors, according to the company, amplifying the familiar...

Barton 1792 Distillery Sweet Wheat Bourbon

Barton 1792 Distillery will soon debut its first ever new 1792 whiskey expression: 1792 Sweet Wheat, a Kentucky straight bourbon. Distilled back in 2007, the recipe features wheat as the secondary grain, rather than traditional rye. “Using wheat...

Old Forester Bourbon Whisky 1897 Bottled in Bond

Old Forester Bourbon Whisky has released their second extension of the  Old Forester Whiskey Row Series, specially crafted to honor the U.S. Bottled-in-Bond Act of 1897. Old Forester 1897 Bottled in Bond is a tribute to...

Rebel Yell Small Batch Rye and American Whiskeys

Rebel Yell Kentucky Straight Bourbon has added to its lineup with the launch of Rebel Yell Small Batch Rye and American Whiskey. At 90 proof, both new variants are available nationally in a corked 750ml bottle with screen-printed...

Buffalo Trace French Oak Barrel-Aged Bourbon Experiments

Buffalo Trace Distillery has announced its newest French oak experiment, creating two different barrel types, one made entirely of French oak, and another using French oak heads, but American white oak staves. The barrels were both...

Bower Hill Single Barrel Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey

This single barrel, Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey commemorates the Battle of Bower Hill, which was the first and only known bloodshed of the Whiskey Rebellion in 1794, in which 600 militiamen attacked and ultimately...

Old Hickory Great American Whiskey

Nashville-based R.S. Lipman Company has expanded its portfolio with Old Hickory Great American Whiskey. A limited production of the Blended Bourbon was tested in TN, MA, CT and NY in 4Q 2014 and sold out immediately, according to a...

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